Friday, December 11, 2009

NEW BUS!!!! (I was the owner of two 21window deluxes for a short time.

Meet the busses.

Yep that is George Strait on my T, I got it at the Concert.

Yes I know what you are thinking I sold the original driving dreams bus. I may be a dreamer when it comes to VW but I am still able to see my limitations when it comes to metal work. I sold the bus out to California. I hope the best to the new owner. I was able to drive my new bus around the block mainly due to the help of cam. thanks for that I will stay warm through the winter just with that experience. I will be looking to have it on the road by May. I am super stoked. these photos were taken during the short time I was the owner of not one but two 21 window deluxes. How many people can say that. Not many I am sure.

Summer of Excitement. Wasatch Classic 11

My Lady and I trying to sell T- shirts.

My brother Merrill came with his wife and son, My lady loves babies.

Merrill came and did his best to push the shirts.


I have finally got my memory card up and running so I will finally have some pictures to show you. I would also like to ask that anyone who looks leaves a comment or two. I sometimes wonder why I am even writing a blog.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

VW VS VESPA result.

The show winner was this clean 21 window deluxe

The red oval was the first to the show

The line up of buses.

The scooter lineup.

VW VS VESPA a good showing for a rainy day.

Well when I woke up in the morning the clouds were ominous in every direction but no rain was falling. I was hoping in my heart that it would stay that way. I was setting up all morning and around 10:45 the rain started. It poured down in sheets. I was standing in the rain in my patch jacket and cowboy hat looking down the street for any sign that someone would come. Five min to 11 I saw the first VW it was a ceiling wax red 1957 oval window bug! I was so happy to see it. for the next hour we had no one else show. I was disheartened. The rain kept coming and the shammy's kept wiping. around noon more people showed. a few more bugs then a 1964 21 window deluxe along with Daves single cab. Cameron Pyne showed up with his Vespa P-200E and his bay window bus. I was glad to see him. all and all about 20 entrys bettween the VW and Vespas. there were more VWs so this time VWs win. I am not sure I will be putting another show together next year but for all the rain I was happy so many came out. Many people came without there vehicles due to them being in various states of repair. thanks to all who came and even to those who thought about helping me out and couldn't come. I am very grateful. Thanks to RC WILLEYand Larry Smally at RC Willey for backing this event so much. Thanks also to Ken Garff VW, Vespa Utah, The Scooter Lounge, Wasatch Vintage Volkswagen Club, and all my other gracious sponsors that hung posters and told people to come!!! I will always remember this as a great day.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Allright well I have been on the move! I took the old rust bucket down to the Wasatch Classic on July 11th in Provo. I was able to meet a lot of cool people and sell some T-shirts. I also got the word out for my VW show that is coming up on the 15th called VW vs VESPA it will be held in the parkinglot of RC Willey in Orem from 11-2. there will be free registration free hotdogs and drinks, free raffle ticket for every entry and trophies for best and worst of show. I am so excited to have so much support thank you all. I hope to see you all there.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Things are going to change.

I am one who likes to let things happen around me without doing the work needed to see the results desired. I am not going to allow this from myself anymore. I am super stoked for the WASATCH CLASSIC 11, that is going to be on July 11 down in Provo Utah. I am entering my bus into the show and selling T-shirts out of it. I am also trying to get a network like Fox, ABC, or someone to do a restoration show for my bus. I am trying to put together a VW and Vespa Rally to promote Driving Dreams. I know with my hard work and determination I will succeed

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Economic Downfalls, what can I do? We all have seen the effects of the "Next Great Depression" I for one have felt the fear of job loss. My wife and I both have faced this thought. Lucky for us so far nothing but cut hours. T- shirt sales have come to a stop. I am asking for additional help. Anyone have any ideas? please leave your Ideas as coments on this post thanks in advance.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today is the day. That is my new line of thought for every moment from now on. The sunrises right now. I will be succsessful in all that I choose to do. It is now time to choose to do those things that will get me where I ultimately want to be. I want to be happy with life and I know that means hard work. Here I go!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It has been a while, nothing moving on the front.

Well it has been a spell. I have not done a darn thing with my shirt sales. I am so busy going to school and working full time, I havent even stopped to breath. Now that the economy is so bad I was tempted to give up. I havent though. I am very greatful for all the support from everyone. thanks so much. here are a few photos of me wearing my DRIVING DREAMS T in Cali.